Articles from 13(1)/2015

Creative Boycott: Transgression, Counterfeit and Aesthetic Imaginary

Ileana Nicoleta SĂLCUDEAN, Delia ENYEDI

Creative Industries – Art and Commerce; Entrepreneurship and Creativity

Ileana Nicoleta SĂLCUDEAN


Recent research in cultural studies and the sociology of culture depicts an interest related to the different roles of culture in contemporary societies. Such views convey an important criticism on media policy, the changes in cultural production and its consumption in the current metropolis. O’Connor... Read More

Keywords: creative industries, entrepreneurship, Paintbrush Factory, Romania

An Alternative History of the Transylvanian Silent Cinema



The Transylvanian silent cinema industry revolved around Jenő Janovics whose expertise in theatre directing and management translated into about seventy films produced in the city of Cluj-Napoca between 1913-1920. The present paper proposes its alternative history as told through the experiences shared by... Read More

Keywords: Transylvanian silent cinema, cultural entrepreneurship, multiculturalism, Jenő Janovics, Nicolae Bretan/Miklós Bretán.

Is Artistic Genius a Myth?

Raluca Mihaela PARASCHIV


Where do new ideas come from? What is the inception point for innovative ideas and how and why do some change in order to become valuable and influential works? Can one trace the antecedents of creative discoveries in order to understand how their authors came to make them? Can these questions be answered o... Read More

Keywords: creativity, genius, artist, myth

Transaesthetic Paradigms of Creativity: Artistic Capitalism as an Ideology of Consumption



The aim of this paper is to examine and define artistic capitalism as the expression of the postmodern culture of authenticity, based on the analysis that Gilles Lipovetsky and Jean Serroy dedicated to the hedonist individualism that dominates the contemporary societies of consumption, regarded no... Read More

Keywords: artistic capitalism; consumption, society of the spectacle, de-aestheticization, transaesthetic individ-ualism

Body, Fashion and Transgression – The Aftermath of Creative Performance

Alexandra-Oana IRIMESCU


Creativity is seen as the driving force of human evolution. An interpretation which will be expanded upon in this paper is that of creativity as an instrument in the emancipation of women. The aim of this article is to expose and analyze the ways in which apparel may be instrumented in the construction of a... Read More

Keywords: identity, creativity, feminism, performance, fashion

Aesthetic Negotiations of Identity – Between Embodied and Disembodied Performance



The study focuses on the aesthetic and ethical relevance of the hybrid nature of a few multimedia artworks, taking Klaus Obermaier’s performances as significant self-reflexive and also trans-artistic processes. The visual, musical, choreographic, and simultaneously digital and corporeal “stori... Read More

Keywords: creative (dis)embodiment, hybrid multimedia performance, aesthetico-ethical option, a new ekphrasis, Klaus Obermaier

Parasitical Stories, Narrative Viruses and Hybrid Storytelling in Fantasy Cinema and Culture

Doru POP


The main argument of the paper is that recent cinema is abandoning the traditional linearity of narrations and the
“classical” storytelling forms, and is cultivating new hybrid narrative structures, under the influence of games and online structures. Starting from the fact that narratives... Read More

Keywords: Game of Thrones, storytelling, digital narratives, fantasy, MMORPG, online games story-lines, media and multimedia

Grassroots Creativity or Database Commodifi cation in the “Everyday Life” of AMVs?



As creativity can be considered one of the most valuable commodities in the 21st century (Harris 2014), its grassroots implications at a global level, especially in regards to fandom practices, provide a fertile ground for academic debate and analysis. One particular case is the popular activity of making a... Read More

Keywords: Japanese popular culture, animated music video, grassroots creativity, performance studies, commodification

Bill Viola – An Approach to the Idea of Passage

Ana Cristina MARIAN


This article analyzes how the multimedia installations and videos of American artist Bill Viola, one of the most out-standing names in video art, develop the idea of passage (from the mundane to the spiritual), materialized as a form of communication through the digital image. Focusing on examples from Viol... Read More

Keywords: video, visual perception, light, contre-jour, passage

Cezanne’s Apple and Edward E. Boccia Hierarchy, Revolt and Artistic Innovation in 20th-Century America



The reconstruction of the twenty-first-century imagination (ideologies that shape our “imagined world”) and aesthetic view through the “authentic” modes of abstraction, conceptualism, and the lens of media and digital technology has led to a new way of understanding and experiencing... Read More

Keywords: 20th-century American painting, abstraction, American art criticism, Avant garde, Max Beckmann, Edward E. Boccia, Arthur C. Danto, Expressionism, figural painting, Clement Greenberg, institutional outlook, opticality, modernism, Rosalind Krauss, transgressive artwork, St. Louis University Museum of Art, Washington University, St. Louis

Truth and Authenticity in Cinematography. Robert Bresson and the Cinematic Realism



The search for truth has been the task of philosophers for a long time. The artist has been banished from Plato’s ideal city, precisely because of his/her passion for phantasia, for the illusion the masses always adore. It was believed that the appearance itself has no value in the absence of the univ... Read More

Keywords: cinematic realism, Robert Bresson, beauty, truth, authenticity

Fantasies of Liberation. Aesthetic Transgressions and Regressions in the Gender Imaginary of Post-Communism



This study intends to explore the archetypes of the post-communist gender-based imaginary, which was the result of a contradictory alchemic operation. Situated at the intersection of two antagonistic cultural spheres, the globalized imaginary and the archaic counterfeit memory of neo-traditionalism, gender ... Read More

Keywords: gender, aesthetic imaginary, post-communism, modernity, cultural regression, invented tradition

Alternative Histories of the Communist Past: Typologies of Representation in the Romanian Film and Novel after 1989

Andrei SIMUŢ


The article analyzes the extent to which the Romanian film and novel after 1989 propose a contrasting vision on the recent past as compared to the official, hegemonic discourse of the political realm. One important event was the official condemnation of the communist regime in 2006. Another objective of ... Read More

Keywords: Romanian Post-Communist Film, typologies of representation, communist past

Le corps de la théorie, le corps dans la théorie – Figurations du sujet interprétant dans les écrits de Jean Starobinski –

Ioana BOTH


Abstract : Along the lines of an earlier research project focusing on the interpreting subject figurae in contemporary literary criticism, I aim at reflecting, based upon a set of close readings, on the use of the body and body-related metaphors in critical interpretation conceptualizations, particularly ... Read More

Keywords: Jean Starobinski, interpreting subject, the Geneva school of criticism, critical conscience, „critique de la conscience”, „figurality”, interpretation.

Literary Creativity Between Individual Innovation and Collective Norms. Tudor Vianu’s The Art of Romanian Prose Writers in the Post-war History of Romanian Criticism

Adriana STAN


The study tries to assess a part of Tudor Vianu’s scholarly influence in the history of post-war Romanian literary criticism, by tracing the circulation of concepts and evaluating the paradigm shift inspired by his 1941 book The Art of Romanian Prose Writers. Along this line of inquiry, two ... Read More

Keywords: literary historiography, formalism, individuality, literary series, stylistics

“I think that the emphasis on autonomy and authorship is not good for art and creativity”. Interview with Hans ABBING (continuation)

Ileana Nicoleta SĂLCUDEAN

Words & Pictures: The Miracle of Artistic Lending and Borrowing




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A Wellesian Odyssey at The Other Side of the Wind



Review of: Josh KARP. Orson Welles’s Last Movie. The Making of The Other Side of the Wind. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2015.

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Between Marxist Reveries, the Real World and the Actual Art: A View of the 56th Edition of the Venice Biennial

Bogdan IACOB