Articles from 10(2)/2013

Longing for the past is not a fissure, but a feature of the present


Mythology Amalgamated. The Transformation of the Mythological and the Re-appropriation of Myths in Contemporary Cinema

Doru POP


The paper evaluates the myth-making processes in the history of the movie-making industry, claiming that we are witnessing the coming together of a myth-illogical universe, where Hollywood practices and narrative structures have reached a point of amalgamation with no return. The classical migration of my... Read More

Keywords: mythology, cinema, comic-books, Disney, Greco-Roman heroes, archetypes

“I know where I’ve seen you before!” Remaking gender, class, nationality and politics from The Lady Vanishes (1938) into Flightplan (2005)

Agnieszka RASMUS


This paper addresses the important role of remakes in flm culture and their vital function in refecting societal and cultural transformations. It looks at one particular case study of British to American cross-cultural exchange: The Lady Vanishes and Flightplan. Comparing British stereot... Read More

Keywords: Remake, Hollywood, Hitchcock, Flightplan, The Lady Vanishes, gender, class, race, nationality, politics

Recyclages apocalyptiques : Vers un héroïsme de la consciencedans Dogville de Lars von Trier



Cet article propose d’examiner le flm Dogville du réalisateur danois Lars von Trier (sélectionnée au festival de Cannes en 2003) sous l’aspect du scénario qui se veut, de prime abord, recyclé. Dans l’Amérique des années Trente, Gr... Read More

Keywords: Dogville, Lars von Trier, Antonin Artaud, recyclages, adaptations, cinéma et mythes, utopie et théâtre, cruauté sociale, manipulation des spectateurs, responsabilité

From Eye to “Cinema-Eye” – Approaches on the Moving Image Tools



The new civilization of image is built on the knowledge brought on and mediated by the Eye, considered the sole means of visual perception. The embodied Eye takes us to the disembodied Cinema-Eye, the machinery that copies and stores the images in motion. The copy of reality, similar to that engraved onto... Read More

Keywords: Cinema-Eye, camera, images in motion, cinema, visual perception, light

Recycling and Confronting Ostalgie under the Romanian Transition. I’m an Old Communist Hag – an Unfaithful Adaptation

Claudiu TURCUȘ


Using a comparative and intermedial approach, this paper aims: 1. to outline a typological overview of several literary and cinematic modes of representing communism in the Romanian society after 1989, highlighting, at the same time, the identitarian clichés pertaining to the transition that are in... Read More

Keywords: post-communist nostalgia, adaptation, identity, Romanian transition, Dan Lungu, Stere Gulea

Avatars d’un narrateur à travers les médias: Tim Tooney, Max Tooney et Mickey Mouse



Le monologue théâtral par l’auteur italien Alessandro Baricco, Novecento, publié en 1994 a fait l’objet de deux adaptations: en 1998 Giuseppe Tornatore a réalisé un flm en langue originale anglaise, The Legend of the Pianist on the Ocean; en ... Read More

Keywords: narrateur flmique, situation énonciative, texte source, adaptation

Adaptation and Recycling in Convergent Cultural Polysystems: A Case Study



This paper aims at presenting and discussing the fndings of a research project that employs Polysystem Theory (Even-Zohar 1978; 2010) in mapping some of the contributions flm industry has brought to the Brazilian literary and cultural systems. The focus of the project is on the editorial boom and recyclin... Read More

Keywords: literary polysystems, adaptation, cinema, recycling, J.R.R. Tolkien

Adaptation as a Means of Refecting upon Immersivity and Self-Referentiality



In this article, I apply parts of the method introduced by Linda Hutcheon in her recently reedited book A Theory of Adaptation (2010) and try to answer the question “why” an adaptation is made. I particularly study three complex cases of adaptation, which might even put into question ... Read More

Keywords: Adaptation studies, Greenaway, Fforde, Black Venus, immersion, self-refexivity, intermediality

Silent Opera: Visual Recycling in Olga Neuwirth’s American Lulu

Heidi HART


Billed as a “Jazzy BlackPower BergWerk” at its 2012 premiere, Olga Neuwirth’s adaptation of Alban Berg’s opera Lulu combines jazz, soul, and sound clips of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s speeches in close relationship with the original score. The opera also includes digital projec... Read More

Keywords: opera, adaptation, visuality

Stage Adaptations of Novels: ‘Affordances’ of Theatre in Two Stage Adaptations of Kafa’s Metamorphosis



Theatre – whether in the form of an ‘adaptation’ or not – is theatre. Following much of the current critical literature on flm adaptations (e.g. Bortolotti and Hutcheon, 2007; Leitch, 2008; Hutcheon, 2006), in this paper I am therefore rejecting as far as possible any sort of &lsqu... Read More

Keywords: affordance, epistemological commitment, Kafka, stage adaptation

L’adaptation cinématographique d’une nocturne. Die Nacht singt ihre Lieder par Romuald Karmakar

Daria IOAN


In 2004, the German film director Romuald Karmakar adapts Norwegian theater play for the big screen. Jon Fosse’s Nightsongs becomes Die Nacht singt ihre Lieder, which is presented at the Berlinale Film Festival the same year. Using a new script he had written in collabora... Read More

Keywords: German cinema, adaptation, communication crisis, language as/and music, drama

In Between Frames 2.0.: Time, Image and Remediation in Photography and Video Art (Two Case Studies)



The present essay addresses a number of issues related to contemporary visuality such as manipulation, quotation, remediation, unstable mediums, hybrid art discourse, and cross-referentiality, proposing the concept of In Between Frames as the main theoretical instrument. The term In Between Fram... Read More

Keywords: medium, temporality, visual manipulation, photography, video, remediation, spectatorship

Appropriation as Alchemy in New Media: A Case Study

Elizabeth K. MIX


Historically alchemists were concerned with the search or a lapis, the Philosopher’s Stone, able to transmute lead into gold. A similar transformational process takes place digitally in the work of new media artists, whose computers and code are the equivalent of the philosopher’s st... Read More

Keywords: new media, appropriation, digital alchemy, evolutionary biology

“Digitalization” of Art Activism. A Case Study of the Cluj-based Collective MindBomb

Mara RAŢIU, Bogdan IACOB


Critical attitudes regarding controversial social contemporary issues could take the form of art activism. The Clujbased collective MindBomb is a hybrid critical voice, combining political art and activism. Initiated in 2002, following the model of the San Francisco Print Collective, it reunites... Read More

Keywords: art activism / activist art, art activist practices, political activism, digitalization, Internet, social media, contemporary social movements, social change, appropriation, recycling, detournement, cultural jamming

Digital Debris in Internet Art: A Resistance to the Epistemology of Search



The paper, explores the idea of digital debris in Internet Art. Here, I will understand digital debris as words typed in search engines and which then disappear; bits of obsolete codes which are lingering on the Internet, abandoned web pages, broken links or pieces of ephemeral information circulating on the Web 2.0 and which... Read More

Keywords: debris, digitality, information, ephemerality, memory

In Praise of Translation – Recent Intermedial Transpositions in Video, Print and Installation



In this essay different approaches to recycling images, generated by diverse technologies from historical print to most recent digital video, are discussed with reference to the notion of translation. In a broad interpretation of the notion of ‘recycling,’ the concept and practice of... Read More

Keywords: translation, copy, intermediality, contemporary art, expanded printmaking

In Search of Lost Forms: Contemporary Landscape as Post-production



In this essay, I propose a reflection on the shifts occurred in contemporary art production and theory that changed the focus from a homogenous flux of discourses, to an artistic production characterized by indetermination, fragmentation, heterogeneity, multiplicity and playfulness. Reclaiming t... Read More

Keywords: Landscape, painting, (post)-postmodernism, re-production, post-production, nostalgia, cultural remake, memory

Klaus Obermaier – “My work is not simply visualization. It’s a totally different thing!”

Rodica MOCAN


Interview with Klaus Obermaier, March 2013 (I)

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