On Criticism – Toward an Evaluative Perspective Claudiu TURCUŞ |
Claudiu TURCUŞ Abstract: This essay’s aim is to outline the main directions of Romanian critical discourse after the year 2000, pointing out the specifc differences—in terms of, on one hand, the refunctionalization of ideological grids and, on the other, the appeal to theory in cultural reception—in relationship... Read More Keywords: Synchronism, Ideology, Aesthetic autonomy, Filmology, Literary theory, Romanian Criticism |
Report about the State of Film Studies in Romania Doru POP Abstract: The author of this paper is making a radiography of the Romanian film studies today and follows the consequences and infuences of the past practices in film criticism in the field. This research is reviewing the most important flm critics of the past and recent time, providing a map of the developing film studies in contemporary Romani... Read More Keywords: Romanian film studies, film criticism, film schools, film magazines |
The Poetics and Politics of Critical Art: an Atypical Case Horea AVRAM Abstract: This paper addresses the problem of critical discourse taking as a reference framework the intricate and paradoxical relationships a specifc type of critical art engages with both aesthetics and politics. According to philosopher Jacques Rancière, critical art contains a tension between two opposed... Read More Keywords: critical art, drawing, performance, aesthetics, political art, mass media |
Teaching Comparative Literature in Today\'s Romania Mihaela URSA Abstract: The present paper focuses on some important aspects of the much invoked crisis of comparative literature, as manifested in Romania in the academic discipline of comparative literature. After almost half a century, one of the most diffcult problems the comparative literature discipline encounters everywher... Read More Keywords: comparative studies, teaching world literature, educational policies, humanities and the university, method, discipline, literary history, literary studies in Romania |
The Eastern European Perspective on Modern Poetry: Two Hypotheses Eliza DEAC Abstract: The article analyses and compares two theoretical proposals – the notion of “transitive poetry” (Crăciun 2002) and the concept of “modern paradigm” (Muşina 2004) – which aim at uncovering uncharted areas of modern poetry and at bringing up to date the description of t... Read More Keywords: Romanian literary theory, modern poetry, transitive poetry, poetic paradigm, poetic self |
Post-war Romanian Literary Criticism under Communism. Short Overview Alex GOLDIȘ Abstract: In the post-war Romanian context, one might conclude that theory-related scepticism was relentless. The language of New Criticism entered the Romanian discourse, emphasizing on the interdictions of the political system. Although Romanian criticism had been sceptical about aggressive import of Western Crit... Read More Keywords: post-war Romanian criticism, socialist realism, the 1960s movement, G. Călinescu, ”autonomy of the aesthetics”, New French Criticism, structuralism, existentialism, post-theory |
Bazin Meets Deleuze. The ”Fact-Image” and ”Pure Optical Situations” in Italian Neo-Realism Cezar GHEORGHE Abstract: This essay explores the possibility of theoretical reconciliation between André Bazin’s concept of “fact-image“ put forward by the French critic in his essay about Italian neo-realism and the deleuzian concept of “pure optical situation“, that is extended in what he ca... Read More Keywords: Gilles Deleuze, André Bazin, “fact-image“, “pure optical situation“, Italian neo-realism |
Andrei GORZO Abstract: In 1992, Cristi Puiu was admitted to the department of Painting at Geneva’s École supérieure d’art visuel (He had frst visited Switzerland in 1990, exhibiting paintings in Lausanne as part of a cultural exchange project. Meanwhile, he had tried – and had been rejected &ndas... Read More Keywords: New Romanian Cinema, Cristi Puiu, André Bazin, Realism |
Figuration de soi et narcissisme dans les films de Luchino Visconti Ioan POP-CURȘEU Abstract: This paper proposes an approach of Luchino Visconti’s cinema, at the frontier between psychology and aesthetics. Using two concepts related to the presence of the author in the work, self figuration and narcissism, we try to show the uniqueness, unity and persistence of Visconti’s cinematographic style. Th... Read More Keywords: Luchino Visconti, self figuration, narcissism, mirror, homosexuality, psychoanalysis |
Andrei SIMUŢ, Iulia MICU Abstract: This paper focuses on the contradictions and complementarities refected in the post-communist Romanian cinema, with regard to the main stages of the cultural discourse before and after the EU-integration. We will also investigate the imaginary counterpart of the migration process. Read MoreKeywords: post-communist cinema, migration, EU-integration |
(Re)Enacting Velázquez\'s Las Meninas Re-framed from an Intermedial Perspective Aida OȘIAN Abstract: The theoretical framework of the present essay springs from the media-philological feld, in a brief attempt to compare two different approaches of the same artefact, (Diego Velázquez’s Las Meninas), both pertaining to the newly-fashioned orbit of intermedial phenomena. The method pro... Read More Keywords: Intermedial phenomena, Remediation, Medium, Artefact description, Trans-mediality, Index Nominum, Diego Velázquez |
Auteur Theory and To What Extent is Quentin Tarantino an Auteur Ion INDOLEAN Abstract: In this paper I present an overview of the authorial theory as it was articulated by Peter Wollen and Andrew Sarris, followed by an analysis of Quentin Tarantino\'s feature flms, in relation to the concept of auteur. The purpose of this paper is to see to what extent is Quentin Tarantino an auteur. Read MoreKeywords: auteur theory, Andrew Sarris, Cahiers du cinema, Peter Wollen, American cinematography, European cinematography, Quentin Tarantino |
Passions de l’identité dans un théâtre qui regarde Daria IOAN Abstract: Reviews Read More |
Pages sur le film – à la recherche d’un cinématographe perdu Claudia COJOCARIU Abstract: Reviews Read More |