Articles from 7(1)/2012

Quelques mots d’introduction. L’aventure sans fin des synesthésies


Synesthésies au cinéma ou l’expression d’une poétique



Before cinema, theoreticians have established a relationship between the notes of the scale and colors, based on the idea of vibration. Kandinsky questioned the relationship between arts and used the principle of synesthesia. But films that were inspired by painting have also rais... Read More

Keywords: synesthesia, vibration, poetic, symbolic prostheses, painting, reality effect, cinema, haptic vision, distance vision, poetry, figural

Le Cinéma comme expérience du monde sensible: Sombre de Philippe Grandrieux



How can a director summon up the five senses of the audience through the film medium? How can a visual (and sound) art make affects tangible? An analysis of Sombre by Philip Grandrieux in the light of Deleuzian theories may help us to propound some answers to these questi... Read More

Keywords: Philippe Grandrieux, Deleuze, cinema, five senses, haptic, return

La Vision haptique cruelle, cruauté et sensualité dans Trouble Every Day de Claire Denis

Florence ROUIF


This article about cruel haptic vision in the cinema will discuss film language, its text, even its texture, where tactility is difficult to transmit in a filmic text. Trouble Every Day (2001), as medium for these transmissions, addresses itself to the spectator’s senses... Read More

Keywords: haptic vision, cinema, cruelty, sensuality, Claire Denis, Trouble Every Day

Alain Cavalier, un cinéma de la sensibilité



Alain Cavalier is one of the most important French moviemakers. He began his career with committed movies (Le Combat dans l’île, L’Insoumis) in accordance with the rules of the “image-mouvement” as Deleuze analyzed them. He then changed his way in... Read More

Keywords: Emanuele Coccia, Giorgio Agamben, Bernard Stiegler, bulimia, sensitive, sensibility, withdrawal, hearing-contact, touch

What’s Eating the Romanian “New Wave”?

Doru POP


Without trying to identify a sub-genre in the Romanian contemporary cinema and without searching for the so called “cooking films”, this paper is analyzing the usage of food and eating in the “new wave” films of the Romanian cinema. Treating food and food consum... Read More

Keywords: Romanian cinema, food, eating, taste, sensation, spectator, synesthesia

Films et parfums ou quelques réflexions sur les synesthésies cinématographiques



This paper shows the synesthetic possibilities of cinema, focusing on the manner in which olfactory sensations are rendered by moving visual images. Some techniques are identified and described: the verbal discourse (common to literature and cinema), the showing of scented substan... Read More

Keywords: synesthesia, cinema, olfaction, perfume

«Tout chante» ou l’entrelacement des sensations dans Le Désert rouge de Michelangelo Antonioni

Véronique BUYER


I analyze Michelangelo Antonioni’s Red Desert through the main character’s way of perceiving the world. Giuliana is depressed and this particular state changes her relations to the world: her senses are overdeveloped and she has trouble understanding the complex inform... Read More

Keywords: Michelangelo Antonioni, Red Desert, colours, painting, senses, synesthesia, Paul Cézanne, attentive perception, hypersensitivity, hallucinations

Le Kitsch comme art du désespoir dans le cinéma de Rainer Werner Fassbinder (Les larmes amères de Petra von Kant)



I establish my study on basically two theorists of Fassbinder’s aesthetics, the analysis of the kitsch in Fassbinder’s films by Françoise Dahringer and the articles on painting and music in his films by Vivien Villani. Then I take the idea of Abraham Moles, that Kits... Read More

Keywords: kitsch, “the art of happiness”, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, painting, opera, melodrama, theatre, sculpture, alienation, violence

Ces maudits trompe-l’oeil «qui ne peuvent que nous exciter l’appétit»: les arts face au défi de l’anti-aisthesis



For Schopenhauer, the opposite of the sublime is the “charming and attractive” (das Reizende – in the translation of R. B. Haldane and J. Kemp). Objects of art – especially paintings and sculptures – should never excite the appetite for the things... Read More

Keywords: synesthesia, taste, anti-aisthesis, disgust, painting

L’Hybridité des genres artistiques: une Gesamtkunstwerk à l’aube du XXIème siècle



The notion of synesthesia in the contemporary artistic practices has its echoes in the work called multidisciplinary or even multimedia. In fact, the evolution of these practices often tends to show a will of unifying the arts and to get close to the Wagnerian concept of Gesamtkun... Read More

Keywords: film, video, installation, opera, total work of art, multidisciplinary

The Spurious Case of Synesthesia in the Popular Arts



Whether we talk about genuine “synesthesia” in the context of scientific research or just exploring general realms of perception, it still remains a fascinating phenomenon. This article focuses on works that unify the senses, drawing a somewhat historical sketch, a com... Read More

Keywords: synesthetic experience, popular art, rigid conceptions, medium

Le Théâtre de Claude Régy, expérience synesthésique et érotisme d’un corps à l’état de brume



Questioned about the theater play God’s Mist, Jean-Claude Ameisen, researcher in cellular biology, describes Claude Régy as “a synesthetic director”. The object of this paper will be to show that in God’s Mist, the last creation of the d... Read More

Keywords: contemporary theater, hologrammic theater, synesthetic staging, eroticism, skiagraphia, Claude Régy, Tarjei Vesaas, Salladhyn Khatir, Rémi Godfroy

Les Synesthésies dans les cubomanies et l’écriture poétique de Gherasim Luca

Charlène CLONTS


Gherasim Luca’s work as a poet and as an artist was greatly influenced by Victor Brauner and Ilarie Voronca’s theories. His work was displayed to the viewer in the exhibition “Présentation de graphies colorées de cubomanies et d’objets”, that... Read More

Keywords: Gherasim Luca, cubomanie, synesthesia, french contemporary poetry, romanian artist, mixture of genres and fields

Donner à sentir, à toucher et à entendre. René Char et la peinture de Wifredo Lam

Martine CRÉAC’H


The word “synesthesia” was largely employed to designate the re-foundation of the relationship between music and painting, especially by the current of symbolism, in order to overcome “the lack of a common principle, available in the earlier paradigm through the ... Read More

Keywords: René Char, André Breton, Georges Duthuit, Wifredo Lam, Tristan Tzara, visual arts, surrealism, non-occidental art, non-hermeneutics

October, Eight O’Clock – East-Central European Proustianism or Synesthetic Reappropriation of The Real

Claudiu TURCUŞ


This essay analyzes the innovative way in which Norman Manea redimensions the categories of Proustianism (involuntary memory, stream of consciousness) and begins with the investigation of a few representative short stories from the well-known volume October, Eight O’Clock. The close-... Read More

Keywords: Norman Manea, proustianism, synesthesia, trauma, stream of memory

Books Reviews