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Articles from 4(2)/2010

Introduction. L’actualité de l’iconoclasme


L’iconoclasme byzantin, entre politique impériale et problèmes théologiques

Marie-France AUZEPY


This paper shows the difficulties of the historical interpretation of Byzantine iconoclasm: the lack of sources and the prevalence of an iconophile point of view contribute to this matter of fact. The iconoclasm is here interpreted as an imperial politics, adopted because of some changes which the Eastern... Read More

Keywords: iconoclasm, imperial politics, Byzantine Emperor, historical perspectives

L’iconoclasme et son revers: naissance d’une philosophie de l’image à Byzance



Dealing with the historical, philosophical and theological problems arisen by the attitude of oriental Christians in front of the power of images, the present article proposes an investigation of the birth of the contradictory theological discussions generated by sacred images and of the evolution of what... Read More

Keywords: iconoclasm, Bzyantine orthodoxy, icon, image theology, image philosophy, Nicaea II, idolatry

La critique marxiste du cinéma dans les années ’30. Brecht, Benjamin, Fondane: iconoclasme ou iconophobie?



This paper shows that some principles of the Marxist criticism of cinema in the thirties are very close to the iconoclastic attitude towards images (the one manifested in the 8-9th centuries, or in the protestant countries at the “Renaissance”). The critics chosen to illustrate this phenomenon (Bertolt Brecht, Walter Benjam... Read More

Keywords: marxism, cinema, iconoclasm, iconophobia

The Iconoclasm of the New Romanian Cinematographers

Doru POP


The religious imaginary in cinema exists from the very beginnings of the new medium, and the connections are not only narrative, but also at the level of the philosophy of cinema making. The main questions of the author in this essay are concentrated around the ways the visual representations of today are... Read More

Keywords: icons, iconoclasm, religion, cinema, semiological interpretation

Levels of narration in Coen Brothers’ movies



The present paper does not intend to be a synthesis of narrative techniques and solutions in postmodern film. It rather aims to discuss a few cases that raise interesting questions about the classic narration style, reflected in different ways in postmodern creations. Studying the films of the Coen Brothe... Read More

Keywords: narration, narrative voices, postmodern cinema, Coen Brothers

Quelques remarques sur l’«iconoclasme» des avant-gardes



This paper is trying to show the connections between the artistic practice of the avant-garde and the spirit of historical iconoclasm. In their manifests, for example, the artists of the thirties talk very often about iconoclastic attitudes, such as destruction, breaking, refusal of all kinds of tradition... Read More

Keywords: avant-garde, tradition, iconoclasm, destruction

Nouvel activisme artistique ou nouvel iconoclasme?



This paper analyzes the transformations of art during the 20th century, from the avant-gardes to the present days, taking into account the notion of authorship, as well as the great diversity of artistic practices, conceptions, styles and ideologies. It is shown that the contemporary artists, for example,... Read More

Keywords: artist, authorship, activism, iconoclasm, politics, artistic market

Voir la peinture en iconoclaste: Jeff Wall et La Mort de Sardanapale



In the Salon of 1827, Eugène Delacroix presents a painting that will create a scandal: The Death of Sardanapalus. Crudely depicting the death of an Assyrian monarch that decides to destroy his possessions before committing suicide, Delacroix’s work emblematizes the romantic aspiratio... Read More

Keywords: romanticism, adaptation, photography, memory

Brief excurse into a war on representations



While the hypodermic needle model of media influence has been largely rejected by the scientific community, along with the subsequent characterizations of the media spectator as a passive one, always vulnerable and reacting uniformly to the stimuli injections coming from various channels, in the ongoing d... Read More

Keywords: pornography, anti-pornography movement, feminism, cultural critique

Interview with Florin Şerban, the director of the movie If I Want to Whistle, I Whistle, awarded with the Berlin Film Festival’s \"Alfred Bauer\" Award and \"Silver Berlin Bear\" in 2009.

Doru POP