Introduction. Towards Integrating Methodologies in Visual Culture Research Doru POP |
Memory and Imagination in Film: Gerry and Dead Man Patrizia LOMBARDO Abstract: This article suggests that, very often, the two faculties – memory and imagination, often separated in philosophical thought – are but one in the case of artistic creation. Readers or spectators are active with their memory, and therefore imaginative in their reception of the works of art: mem... Read More |
Doru POP Abstract: This article is mainly a reading of ideologies that make of Cameron\'s “Avatar”, based on the fact that Cameron has integrated multiple ideologies within the story frame of his 3D movie. The research starts with the discussion on the problem of avatars in the history of culture and philosophy ... Read More |
A Director’s Clinical Chart for Dementia: Antichrist by Lars von Trier (close reading/seeing) Ruxandra CESEREANU Abstract: Ruxandra Cesereanu uses close reading as a method for understanding the meanings of one of the most controversial movies of Lars von Trier, Antichrist. The term, borrowed from the canons of literary theory, describes the careful “reading” of cinema as text. Looking for insights into t... Read More |
20 Years since the Revolution: the Emergence of the Romanian Cinema Alexandru ISTUDOR Abstract: The Romanian cinema after communism has conquered the west, but not the east. With this statement the author is following a film analysis designed to address some of the most important cinematographic productions in contemporary Romania. Interpreting the narratives in the movies of Caranfil, Mungiu, Porum... Read More |
Approaches of the 1989 Romanian Revolution in Terms of the New Wave Cinema Emma MOCAN Abstract: The theoretical hypothesis of this article is the questioning of the existence of a Romanian New Wave. From this main hypothesis, the study is focusing on the cinematographic productions of pre Communist (Lucian Pintilie, Mircea Daneliuc or Dan Piţa) and post Communist (Cristi Puiu, Corneliu Porumboiu, C... Read More |
KASSAY Réka Abstract: The paper is an analysis of the movie Al di là delle nuvole (Beyond the Clouds) from the standpoint of reflexivity. Interpreting the relationship between Antonioni and Wenders, the aim of the research is to describe the language of film used in order to generate the self conscience of the ... Read More |
Delacroix lu par Baudelaire: hyperbole, théâtralité, images «molochistes» Ioan POP-CURŞEU Abstract: This article proposes a new interpretation of Baudelaire’s study L’OEuvre et la vie d’Eugène Delacroix (1863), in connexion with the great themes of romantic aesthetics. Baudelaire develops and permanently superposes three main axes in his “reading” of Delacro... Read More |
The Photographic Treatment of Emotion in front of a Stage Bill Henson: The Opera Project Ioan DARIA Abstract: Using Bill Henson’s works commissioned by the Paris Opera, the author explores the territories of connections between fine art, photography and staged events. This in turn is used for discussing the problematic question of reception in art, how opera performances (and other forms of representation) ... Read More |
Byzance et l’Occident devant la sacralité de l’image: quatre questions Ştefana POP-CURŞEU Abstract: There have always been misunderstandings when talking about the attitude in front of the sacred character of images adopted by the western Church in comparison to the Byzantine one. This article is an attempt to clarify four questions which are significant for the understanding of the evolution of the way... Read More Keywords: sacred image, power of image, Byzantine Church, Carolingian Church |
The Perception of Contemporary Dance in Romania Olivia GRECEA Abstract: Taking choreography as her analytical focus, Olivia Grecea uses focus group discussions, designed to bring forward some of the key problems in visual representations on stage. Given the relationship choreographer / dancer and visual artist, this article looks for an understanding of the production mechani... Read More |
Art in Public Spaces. Stencils on the Walls of Cluj Sabina ANDRON Abstract: Our public spaces are filled with images and visual messages, some belonging to the “above the line” logic (like advertisements or political posters) while other belong to a “below the line” concept of visual communication, like street art, stencilling or graffiti. These forms of e... Read More |
Storytelling, the Development of Movie Genres and the Impact of Surrealism on “Auteur Theory” Codin POP Abstract: Surrealism had a great impact on contemporary cinematographers, and, while cinema has undergone theoretical and technological changes, the connections Surrealism has with cinema did not change, and are obvious in the “author cinema” genre. Surrealism brought to cinema its changed reality, in w... Read More |
Cinematic Resources of Visual Anthropology for Documentary Filmmakers Cezar ENACHE Abstract: This paper looks for the methodological resources of visual anthropology that can be integrated into cinema production and especially in the documentary film. The question how to generate believable information about human behavior is tackled by discussing the importance of participative documentary appro... Read More |
Cesare A. MASSARENTI Abstract: During the past thirty years, the transition to digital has changed both the way the media and communication industry creates and provides content and the way end users access information and interact with it. The entire organization of content production, processing and distribution is undergoing major c... Read More Keywords: media, communication, database technologies, audience, multi-channel content delivery, interactivity, access devices, convergence, interoperability |
The Woman – a Victim of Being Watched? Andreea CHINDRIŞ Abstract: Websites, forums and online video productions are increasingly important in the social exchanges and communication of the young generation. Andreea Chindriş uses an Internet forum as a reference for her research, meant to describe the visual connections in an electronic environment where pornographic mes... Read More |
TEMPS D’IMAGES 2009 Interview with Miki Branişte, Executive Director of ArtLink Olivia GRECEA |