Articles from 31(1)/2024

Asides and Unreliable Narration in Fleabag, Alfie and I, Tonya

Matthias BRÜTSCH


The article explores the employment of the “aside” in film and in TV series, a device originating from the stage, but increasingly appropriated by the screen in recent years. The impact of the direct address is analyzed at the level of the mise-en-scène, the dramatic structure, and the em... Read More

Keywords: Aside, breaking the fourth wall, direct address, unreliable narration, look into the camera

Loop Narratives and Eternalism in David Lowery’s A Ghost Story (2017)



A Ghost Story, written and directed by David Lowery (2017), stands out in the current cinematic
landscape due to its use of an innovative narrative structure and an unusual point of view. The film follows the story of a ghost who haunts the house where he lived while he was human, observing the passage... Read More

Keywords: Time loop, Eternalism, Modular Narratives, Future Narratives, A Ghost Story

The Voice Doesn’t Lie. A Revisit to Suzhou River Through Listening

Carmen Xi LI


The starting point of this article is the debate over cinematic realism, “truthful cinema,” and “the truth of cinema” in Chinese language cinema, providing a close reading of Lou Ye’s Suzhou River (2000), a film that delves into the boundaries between truth and false, past, and... Read More

Keywords: Lou Ye, voice-over, unreliable narration, truth of cinema, Gilles Deleuze

Narrative Polyphony in Split-Screen Cinema – Gaspar Noé’s Vortex (2021)



Despite audience’s incessant exposures to a multitude of screens, windows, and images in contemporary times, the presence of more than one screen at once in a cinematic context creates a problem that conflicts with the medium itself: the competition for protagonism among the different narratives that ... Read More

Keywords: Split-Screen, Polyphony, Musicality, Vortex, Gaspar Noé

Hermeneutic Decoder: The Lure of Interpretation in Complex Cinema as Exemplified in David Lynch’s INLAND’S EMPIRE (2006)



Renowned narratologists, especially those focusing on film studies, have little interest in the prologue as a narrative device. I argue that this film segment is crucial in postmodern narratives, usually characterized by their nonlinearity. In films that feature it, this introductory scene/sequence is part ... Read More

Keywords: Hermeneutic Decoder, Prologue, Complex Narratives, Enigma Films, INLAND EMPIRE

Immersive Transmedia Storytelling and Embodied Urban Experiences of Psychogeographical Works

Kai Qing TAN


According to critics such as James Dalby, Matthew Freeman and Renira Rampazzo Gambarato, immersive transmedia storytelling encourages recipients’ participation and changes their ontological beliefs regarding social issues. Recent psychogeographical works, which can be used as tools to foreground class... Read More

Keywords: Psychogeography, affective enactment, affordances, transmedia storytelling, urban imagination

Agency, Control and Power in Video Games: The Procedural Rhetoric of Inside



This paper examines Inside, a 2016 puzzle-platformer indie game that thematises questions of play, agency, autonomy and control, and therefore operates as a critique of ideology through its procedural rhetoric. The term was coined by Ian Bogost in his 2007 book on video games and it refers to an innovative ... Read More

Keywords: Agency, control, ideology, procedural rhetoric, ludonarrative consonance

Rebooting Interactive Films: An Intermedial Approach to Cinema and Videogames



Interactive films such as FMVs (Full-Motion Videogames) were declared to be a shortlived and relatively obscure genre of the past until recently, when they started to reappear primarily as videogames and films in online streaming services, generating newfound interest in both audiences and researchers. This... Read More

Keywords: interactive film, FMVs, intermediality, narrative, gameplay, agency

Telling the Untellable: Experiments on Wisdom in Contemporary Cinema



In “The Storyteller,” Walter Benjamin proposes the concept of wisdom as the underpinning of the act of telling stories. His inspiration comes from the oral traditions of the past and especially the tradition of religious wisdom stories. Drawing from this idea, I try to reflect on the meaning and... Read More

Keywords: Walter Benjamin, Boyhood, Richard Linklater, Wisdom, Narrative

Homo Deludens: An Attempt to Determine the Ludicrous Elements of Culture

Doru POP


As Mattel celebrated the 65th anniversary of Barbie in 2024, to address the issues raised by by this plastic object and its influence in our culture and collective imaginary carries profound implications. Barbie, the iconic doll created by Ruth Handler in 1954, has a long cultural history as a globally rele... Read More

Keywords: Barbie, Mattel, homo ludens, ludification, schizoanalysis, narrative strategies in games, marketing storytelling, cinema adaptations, gamification, puerilization, infantilization