Quand le langage cinématographique (s’)éclate : le langage cinématographique comme langage ordinaire Roger ODIN Abstract: Cet article montre comment le téléphone portable ou plus précisément le smartphone a permis, pour la première fois dans l’histoire du cinéma, l’instauration du langage cinématographique comme langage ordinaire (= comme opérateur da... Read More Keywords: langage cinématographique, théorie |
Cinéma et psychologie cognitive : le « tournant corporel » des études audiovisuelles Laurent JULLIER Abstract: Les livres et les articles qui se proposent d’appliquer une approche «cognitiviste» au cinéma semblent constituer dans le champ académique mondial un territoire autonome un peu ghettoïsé. Au contraire de son adversaire historique la psychanalyse, la psychologie (c... Read More Keywords: Histoire du cinéma, esthétique, émotion, cognition, analyse du film |
Meaning and Film: Setting the Agenda for an Embodied Cognitive Approach Maarten COËGNARTS Abstract: This paper takes up the challenge of setting up a preliminary research framework for analysing meaning in film from the perspective of the embodied cognition thesis. We first establish the theoretical context from which this framework emerges, starting with a discussion of a paradox that lies at the heart o... Read More Keywords: conceptual metaphor, embodied cognition, film style, image schema, meaning |
The Control Cycle Cognitive Model in Biology, Film and Culture Mircea DEACA Abstract: The focus of the present study is the Control Cycle (CC), a seldom discussed cognitive model that is yet to be applied in film theory. The CC is grounded in bodily experience and is related to image-schematic thinking. The CC is based upon the Tension Cycle, consisting of f... Read More Keywords: film, control cycle, cognitive model, metaphor, metonymy, narration, Bayesian inference, categorization, attention schema |
Some Traits of Cognitivism in American Ruminations on Visual Arts Gabriel C. GHERASIM Abstract: Originating in the theoretical and aesthetical controversies whipped up by the overall iconoclastic rejections of traditional aesthetic canons in avant-garde art, the very question concerning the refinement of cognitive adventures and the plural meanings of aesthetic experiences has continuously fuelled the... Read More Keywords: aesthetic cognitivism, aesthetic experience, aesthetic theories, essentialist definitions, pluralism |
Doru POP Abstract: The hypothesis of this paper is that Corneliu Porumboiu, one of the most important Romanian filmmaker, who was extremely successful in international festivals, yet not so popular in public screenings at home, is looking for newer ways of cinematic expression, which go beyond box-office relevance. The second... Read More Keywords: Corneliu Porumboiu, non-cinematic, extra-cinematic, de-cinematization, conceptual cinema, visceral cinema |
Fergal TWOMEY Abstract: In Noah Hawley’s Fargo, Lorne Malvo, a maverick loner who embodies sublime forces modulating human behaviour, states that he is a “student of institutions”. What serves as a glib and ironic remark on the arbitrary regulations of a small-town hostel raises questions about the aspir... Read More Keywords: alienation, epiphenomena, institutions, process-oriented storytelling, systems theory |
Dominique NASTA Abstract: It may seem come as a surprise to Western contemporary film exegesis, but Romanian cinema did produce some isolated interesting and original works in the early years of the 20th century. We will try to demonstrate that though very few silent films have been preserved, at closer scrutiny they do prove very c... Read More Keywords: Romanian cinema, early cinema, emo-cognition, emotion, mood in film |
Andrei NAE Abstract: Survival horror video games were recognized in the late nineteen-nineties for their cumbersome gameplay determined by complicated controls and inefficient core mechanics. After 2005, survival horror games started to move away from their traditional game design and to show more openness to the dominant game ... Read More Keywords: survival horror; colonialism; science fiction; naturalization |
Spectator Perspectives in Virtual Reality Cinematography. The Witness, the Hero and the Impersonator Dana Florentina NICOLAE Abstract: Along with the technological advancements in virtual reality (VR) headset technology in the past three years, a new form of cinematic experience emerged – virtual reality cinema. This new form of filmic experience provides a significant departure from the collective spectatorship that pertains to two-... Read More Keywords: virtual reality, vr, spectatorship, cinema, frame |
Figures extatiques dans Teorema de Pasolini. Séduction et médiation Fabiana FLORESCU Abstract: Le principal but de ce travail est d’observer dans le film de Pier Paolo Pasolini, Teorema (1968), les différentes expériences mystiques et leurs effets sur la conscience. La déconstruction du regard mystique, idéologique et sensoriel entraîne deux instances ... Read More Keywords: Pier Paolo Pasolini, extases mystiques, effets sur la conscience, regard, défiguration, médium(s), techniques de l’enchantement |
Cinéma, philosophie de l’autorité, neurosciences : Paradis pour tous Camille ROELENS Abstract: The purpose of this text is to propose an analysis of the movie Paradis pour tous, directed by A. Jessua in 1982, from a philosophical point of view, through a hermeneutic approach, in the frame of a research work in philosophy of education related to the notions of authority and kindness. In this article, ... Read More Keywords: authority, kindness, neuroscience, cinema, depiction, culture, autonomie, hyper-modernity |
Matters of Time in László Krasznahorkai’s and Béla Tarr’s Satantango Alexandra IRIMIA Abstract: This paper attempts to draw an intermedial comparison of László Krasznahorkai’s 1985 novel Satantango and Béla Tarr’s 1994 eponymous adaptation through the perspective of their treatment of time and narration, by reflecting upon the specificities of their respective... Read More Keywords: time-image, intermediality, adaptation, Satantango, Laszlo Krasznahorkai, Gilles Deleuze |
Thinking Between the Gaps, the Essay Film’s Mechanisms Mihai DRAGOLEA Abstract: Review of: Laura Rascaroli, How the Essay Film Thinks, Oxford University Press, 2017. Read MoreKeywords: Laura Rascaroli, How the Essay Film Thinks, Oxford University Press |
Andrada F ĂTU-TUTOVEANU Abstract: Review of: Patricia Trapero Llobera (ed.), La ley de (Ryan) Murphy. Autoria y construcción estética en la ficción televisiva contemporánea. Editorial Sintesis, Madrid, 2017. Read MoreKeywords: Patricia Trapero Llobera, La ley de (Ryan) Murphy. Autoria y construcción estética en la ficción televisiva contemporánea, Editorial Sintesis |
Through the “Sacred” Towards the “Cinematographic Idea” Ioan BUTEANU Abstract: Review of: Dionis Bodiu, Sacrul prin film. O abordare simbolică a discursului teologic în cinematografie [The Sacred through Film. A Symbolic Approach to Theological Discourse in Cinema], Ratio et Revelatio, Oradea, 2018. Read MoreKeywords: Dionis Bodiu, Sacrul prin film. O abordare simbolică a discursului teologic în cinematografie, The Sacred through Film. A Symbolic Approach to Theological Discourse in Cinema, Ratio et Revelatio |